What is an accountant? - Olivias Blog

Thursday, 16 June 2022

What is an accountant?

The chartered accountant is an accounting professional who organizes, verifies, assesses, and rectifies the accounts while engaging his responsibility. But he's not just a man of numbers, and his missions are varied. His work obviously begins with the company's accounting, but he is also a privileged interlocutor for business leaders. He knows them well since he accompanies them and advises them, both on a daily basis and on their strategic choices.

Galaxy, an accounting firm in the Hauts de France, returns in this article to the definition of an accountant, his missions, and the spirit in which he carries them out.

What is an accountant?

The chartered accountant is the guarantor of accounts drawn up according to the rules of the art, for companies as well as for organizations (associations, etc.). Accounting professional, thanks to an in-depth knowledge of the rules and techniques of accounting and management, ensures the proper keeping of the accounts and plays a role of control and advice. He verifies that the accounts are in compliance with accounting legislation and informs managers about the health of their structure.

A state diploma validates his training

To avoid conflicts of interest, his independence is essential: he cannot, under any circumstances, be an employee of the structures for which he works and which he advises. As a result, he still operates in an “independent” firm.

In France, as in many countries, the profession is regulated. The chartered accountant must be registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants, an organization placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. 

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In the event of omission or negligence, the company may appeal to the liability of the accountant:

civil liability (fault or negligence leading to damage),

criminal responsibility (tort, complicity, breach of trust)

but also tax liability (omission of writing, inaccurate or fictitious writing, tax evasion, etc.),

and even his disciplinary responsibility (non-compliance with ethics).

What are the missions of the accountant?

The missions of the chartered accountant with the company are varied and defined in an engagement letter.

The chartered accountant has an obligation of means (and not of result): he can only judge by observing the documents that his clients submit to him.

In addition to accounting management, he will be able to advise the company on legal aspects (social law, for example), but his missions will also depend on the expectations and requests of customers, and, of course, on the policy defined by each accounting firm.

Accounting management and monitoring

Preparation of annual accounts (BCRA, financial statements, etc.)

Monitoring compliance with procedures,

Preparation of provisional budgets

Assistance in the preparation of files (investment, loan, etc.)

Calculation of production costs

A possible implementation of analytical accounting,

Assistance in drafting procedures

Help to choose accounting software


Help and advice in the management of the company, from its creation, until the sale

Budget Control,

Calculation of return on investment,

Cash management


Development of a recovery plan,

Establishment of an accounting audit

Assistance on subjects such as insurance, IT, administration,


Legal assistance, especially on legal obligations

A chartered accountant can carry out legal assignments on behalf of his client under two conditions:

Stay in your area of ​​expertise, and know-how to hand over appropriate advice (lawyer, notary, etc.).

Have an engagement letter signed by the client.

He will then be able to intervene as an adviser on its legal form, its contracts, the legal documents of the company, etc.

Assistance on social aspects

The chartered accountant is also in charge of social missions. He can draw up payslips and social declarations for the company, but above all, he has a mission to advise on social matters (contracts, dismissals, etc.).

These can be social decision support missions: setting up a company compensation system (such as profit-sharing and participation), optimizing hiring aid, carrying out simulations, etc.

Tax assistance

The chartered accountant can take care of his client's tax declarations, advise him on his tax optimization, and assist him during a tax audit. He can also assist the entrepreneur with his declaration of the solidarity tax on wealth (ISF), today from EFI.

Accompaniment of the chartered accountant

The chartered accountant has the role of supporting the client. He must follow him throughout his activity and advise him on his choices. His important advice should help improve the company's performance.

A good chartered accountant is judged more on the quality of his support than on the preparation of the annual accounts. A relatively technical and well “formatted” work.

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