How to preventively clean sponges and kitchen racks - Olivias Blog

Friday, 2 October 2020

How to preventively clean sponges and kitchen racks

It is necessary to know how to clean kitchen sponges and grates once they have become dirty. But it is also vital to give them preventive cleaning so that they accumulate less dirt when using them. So we will give you some tips so that you can keep your utensils previously clean.

Wash the sponges and racks in a dishwasher on a normal wash cycle, but on high heat. If you do this regularly, the hot water will not allow bacteria to build up.

Wash sponges and best dish drying mat by hand in very hot water and an antibacterial detergent before using. Squeeze them to make sure the detergent soaks in well, and rinse the sponges and racks.

How to properly clean kitchen sponges and grates

Next, we will give you some tips on how to clean kitchen sponges and grates effectively. When the dirt is abundant, it is not enough just to wash them, so pay attention to all these tips.

Keep in mind that the information that we are going to present to you next is a courtesy of a domestic cleaning agency. They know everything when it comes to cleaning cookware.

How to clean kitchen sponges and grates with microwave

You should only place them in the microwave for a space of about 2 or 3 minutes. You should make sure it is very wet, or put it in a container full of clean water.

Failure to do so could cause a fire instead of cleaning the sponges or grates, so exercise extreme caution. This technique removes 99.9% of germs and bacteria from your kitchen cleaning utensils.

Another point to keep in mind is that you should never put metallic sponges in the microwave. You are going to cause a huge explosion, and you will end up damaging this useful electrical equipment, so do not risk it.

How to clean kitchen sponges and grates with a dishwasher

You should take advantage of the load when you must activate a cycle to wash other objects to place the sponge. This method is just as effective as the previous one if the maximum temperature is used, thanks to the heat it kills germs.

How to clean kitchen sponges and grates with bleach

You need to make a mixture of 3/4 of bleach in 3 liters of water and leave the sponge to soak. You must wait time of 5 minutes, and you can do it in the sink to do two cleanings at the same time. And like previous techniques, this process eliminates 99% of bacteria and germs.

How to clean kitchen sponges and grates with vinegar

This product will also kill 99.6% of bacteria if you leave the sponge or rack to soak. You have to do it overnight to get amazing results and finish drying them in the sun.

you may watch a video also

How to clean kitchen sponges and grates with bleach

In a clean container, add bleach with boiling water and place the sponges and grates you want to clean inside. Let everything soak for 5 to 10 minutes and then remove them from the container.

To finish, you must squeeze them to eliminate excesses and wash them with very cold water and then squeeze them again. You must remember to change the sponges every 15 days, to avoid diseases and infections.

How to clean kitchen sponges and grates with water

Yes, as you have read, only with water, since as we said before, hot water is great for killing bacteria. Put the sponges and grates in a saucepan full of boiling water and wait about 5 minutes. Then, you should rinse with a lot of cold water and put everything to dry, being careful not to burn yourself.

Anyway, we leave you an explanatory video of the YouTube community, which you can comment if you want. In it you will see other techniques on how to clean kitchen sponges and grates effectively.

Additional step

This is a trick that we can often overlook, however, it is very useful. Once you apply any of the techniques on how to clean kitchen sponges and grates, do this.

You must drain both the grates and the sponges well and squeeze them completely, without leaving anything wet. In most cases, we wash the sponges and leave them wet near the taps or in a container.

But this is a big mistake that will not help you at all in the preventive cleaning of a sponge or screen. If you squeeze it, drain it and dry it completely as we told you, the germs will take much longer to reproduce.

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