The dining room is an area of ​​the house where moments with family and relaxation are shared, therefore this environment must be decorated and adapted so that your stay is pleasant and comfortable. This is the responsibility of several aspects, the correct choice and the adequate distribution of the furniture are the most relevant.
Choice of furniture
The type and number of tables and chairs will depend on the intensity with which the dining room will be used, the presence of children, and the number of occupants in the home.
The intense use of a daily dining room requires strong furniture in bd, easily washable, and versatile in its handling. On the other hand, in a dining room used occasionally, tastes such as the use of polished woods and more delicate upholstery can be given.
In the case that there are small members in the family, the furniture must be adapted to their needs, such as the size of the chairs, and the upholstery must be washable and resistant.
The number of occupants in the house decides the size of the table and the number of chairs. Also if you like to have dinners with family and friends. Keep in mind that the furniture in your dining room must adapt to your habits, and not just have it for an aesthetic or customary issue.
The dining room furniture can be made up of different pieces, of which the table and chairs are essential. Starting from the table, all the rest of the auxiliary furniture should be distributed, thinking about a correct organization of the space and favoring circulation. Testing different configurations of the furniture is a very necessary step because in this way we can take advantage of the place and get a good view of the environment.Depending on the activities or the taste of the occupants, and if space permits, other types of furniture will be used, such as auxiliary tables, tables for electronic equipment, cellars, glass, modular, etc.
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