How to attract 97% more leads - Olivias Blog

Thursday, 29 October 2020

How to attract 97% more leads

With the Internet came the information age.
It is said that whoever has the information can dominate their niche.
Really the power is not in having the information but in sharing it.
There is no use having the information if it is not shared. - Share on Twitter.
Companies that share information by focusing on solving a specific problem attract 97% more potential customers online than a company that only sells.

The "secret" tool (which is no longer so secret) that these companies use to share that valuable information that attracts customers is the blog. A "nice" website is useless, it will not generate profits for your business if you do not establish a relationship of trust with your potential customers previously.

Why is it difficult to sell for most businesses?

Businesses that have trouble selling their product or service is why they have focused on selling. You read well. Selling is not bad but it should be the last step in the selling process.

Imagine for a minute that you are at home having dinner with your family. An intimate moment that, after a day of work, you just want to share with your loved ones. When they are in the moment to comment and share the activities of the day, they suddenly knock on the door. Everyone is surprised as it is not a regular visiting time. You get up from the table and when you open the door you find a seller offering "the best product", "the best quality", "the product that will revolutionize the market" 

What is the first thing you do?

Option 1: You stay with the salesperson listening to their sales pitch and you end up buying the product.
Option 2: You make up an excuse to fire the seller as soon as possible and return to your family without buying anything.

Option 3: You get mad at the salesperson because he is INTERRUPTING an important activity for you and you close the door in his face.

(You can share your opinion in the comments section at the bottom of the page)

If you are like most people who value your time and have good manners, you will most likely go for option 2.

The same happens in most cases that they try to sell us something:

When we perceive that they want to sell us, we simply try to avoid it. When we are INTERRUPTED it bothers us.

"The mistake is to start at the last step: sell." - share on Twitter.

When you are aware that the process of selling your service or product begins with creating a relationship of trust and ends with the sale, you will increase the flow of customers, sales, and therefore the profits of your business. It is very different if the president of Apple came to your door and proposed to be a partner in a business loan leads to a simple unknown salesperson who interrupts you with his memorized sales pitch.

How to increase sales in your business
It boils down to one word: "Perception."

Would you pay more attention to the president of Apple or an unknown salesperson?
- We pay more attention to those people who generate trust in us.

If you need a business advisor, do you hire someone who was recommended to you because they are the expert in your city, or would you hire the first to knock on your door?

- We look for the experts who build us trust, they don't look for us.

If your potential client perceives you and/or your business as expert leaders of the industry or the region, you have practically half of the sale made. You don't need to chase and "capture" potential customers.

That said, the best way to position yourself as a leader or expert in your field is by demonstrating it and today it is very simple and inexpensive since the internet is becoming the most far-reaching communication medium and with tools available to all budgets. Companies that are already adopting this technique of building trust by sharing information, achieving a strong connection with their potential customers, dominate their market, and grow in an important way.

These companies know how to use the internet and the blog as a platform to share this valuable information. The blog is a website designed and programmed specifically to publish content in the form of articles, audios, videos, and/or graphics. On this page, you can see how to create your blog in a few minutes - click here.

By publishing content with valuable information, you not only allow potential customers to find you more easily in a search through Google, but you also build a relationship of trust and a connection that makes you see you and your business, not as the seller who INTERRUPTS, but as the expert / the expert of that industry.

Potential customers are going to come to you or your business instead of you going after them trying to hunt them down and then drag them into your business and beg them to buy something from you.

MCA leads

How can you apply this to your business?

The good news is that just about any type of business can implement this content marketing technique through a blog ( I can't think of a type of business that can't ).

Even better, you can implement it in your business with a very low investment. To build a blog (by yourself) you would have to invest the same as you pay for a dinner out - click here to see the tutorial to create your own blog.

It does take time, patience, perseverance, research, and training. If you cannot take the time to build your blog and make it grow by publishing valuable content to attract your ideal client, then continue doing what you have been doing but do not expect different results.

In the event that you are willing to adapt your business to this technique of not selling, if it helps to position your name and that of your business to attract more customers and more profits, then I share the 5 phases that I developed and implemented in my business and that I take them up and adapt them from the best marketing professionals in the United States.

1. Having an Intelligent Online Presence that works for your business by having a blog as your virtual office (not a simple web page).

2. Identifying your ideal client and “reading” their mind to better communicate your offer and give them what they really want by generating personalized and specific content for that client you want to attract.

3. Attracting the Ideal Client thanks to the fact that the content you publish on your blog is easy to find on Google, it is worth sharing on social networks and

4. Converting visits to your blog or website into potential customers and buyers with an automatic system

5. Having an Action Plan under specific pre-established schedules to avoid spending a lot of time on the internet and being able to attend to the other obligations in your business

I develop these 5 phases in-depth and step by step in my Advanced Digital Activator training which only opens registrations a few times a year.

For now, I recommend that you browse my blog where you can find more information to start with your blog, marketing techniques, and consumer psychology.

If you are not yet part of my contacts, I recommend that you leave me your name and email to keep up to date with new content and do not miss free updates and information on advanced training - click here to join my contact list.

Let's talk

If you reached the end of this article after reading everything, I would like to know your opinion and how you plan to implement what you have learned. Let's have a chat in the comment section below.

1 comment:

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