Best Linux distributions for all computers and needs - Olivias Blog

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Best Linux distributions for all computers and needs

GNU / Linux is an environment in which it is possible to find different operating systems, called distributions, all optimized for precise purposes, and for the needs of companies (the main users) and for ordinary people (with easy-to-use distributions). If we have just arrived in the world of Linux, choosing well the distribution with which to start can be decisive, given that choosing a difficult system immediately may not make us grasp the potential.

Just to meet everyone's needs, we have decided to collect the best Linux distributions in this guide, highlighting the simplest and easiest to use and configure distributions. This means that, if we find distribution at the top, we can safely use it even on home PCs, while the latest distributions that we will deal with are reserved for professionals or Linux experts.

Best Linux Distributions

Below we have collected the most famous Linux distributions, listing them for ease of use, configuration, and usability. If we are inexperienced or novice, stick to the first 4 or 5 indicated in the guide; if, on the other hand, we are already experts or want to test our skills, we can use all distributions without problems, even venturing into more complete ones such as CentOS and Kali Linux.

In our opinion, the easiest distribution to use, even for users coming from Windows, is definitely L

Equipped with a really well-kept interface and with many simplifications, it allows you to use your PC to its full potential, offers various tools for automatic updating, a personalized store, a Start menu that is very easy to configure, various programs already installed and integrates already all the drivers necessary for the operation of the computer (with a tool to download the missing drivers immediately).
Based on Ubuntu, over the years it has deeply detached itself from the mother distribution, effectively maintaining only the sources for the common packages. If you want to replace Windows, this is the best distribution to use on your computer.
If we are looking for a very simple system to use but with a curated interface like that of the Mac, we recommend trying the Elementary distribution.

The system offers various optimizations to ensure maximum execution speed on all machines, a dedicated icon set, a dock bar on the desktop that follows the functions seen on Mac, and a very simplified approach, with which you can call up all programs and functions with gestures and shortcuts. It too is based on Ubuntu, with which it shares programs, sources, and all the main updates (for specific elements of the sleep operating system present from dedicated sources).

The most famous distribution worldwide is certainly Ubuntu.

Started as a simplified version of Debian (a distribution difficult to use for beginners), Ubuntu over time has been able to bring many users closer to Linux, thanks to a simple and fast interface (changed several times over the years, to try to catch all the new), good stability, a large choice of installable software and good compatibility with all devices (especially those that require proprietary drivers). It certainly remains one of the best we can start our Linux experience with.

Xubuntu is a variant of Ubuntu that uses fewer system resources and is much lighter.

Majuro is perhaps the distribution you don't expect: it is a simplified version of Arch Linux (system for experts and difficult to configure) and allows you to savor Linux from a new perspective.

Majuro presents itself with a modern interface and with a set of spectacular icons, offers various graphic environments to start and, what is characteristic, integrates a store with all the main programs always updated so that you can use them immediately.

For beginners, it is a fairly simple distribution to use, but it already requires a minimum of knowledge of Linux and the terminal to be used without a hitch.

If we are looking for a very stable and light system, we can focus on MX Linux.

Based on Debian, it offers an optimized interface to take advantage of new monitors as much as possible, so as to have more space to open windows and management tools.
Compared to the other distributions mentioned so far, it may be more difficult to approach the system, especially if we do not have some Linux base, but very little is needed to learn the foundations and therefore use MX Linux with the same ease as Ubuntu or Mint.

If we have a really old computer (1 GB of RAM or less), the only way to make it "come back to life" is to focus on Puppy Linux.

This distribution makes extreme lightness its strong point: it can be loaded entirely into RAM and uses light and compatible programs so that you can navigate and manage even very old PCs, on which Windows XP does not even run at times. Despite the "minimal" dimensions, it is an operating system that we can use every day without problems, with an ease comparable to the other distributions seen so far.

Bodhi Linux, Slitaz, and Zenwalk are other variations that have minimal hardware requirements.

As we have seen in the guide, many distributions are based on Debian, which is precisely considered the "mother" of many of the Linux systems available today.

This system makes of the great stability and the absence of graphic frills its strengths: with the numerous packages available we can customize Debian according to our needs, obtaining a system "that never crashes" and that consumes very few resources (especially with the lighter graphic environments).

We can consider Debian the first "difficult" distribution: not so much for the installation and use of the programs (much simplified compared to the past) but for the management of the system, where medium-advanced knowledge is often required to be able to cope with a problem (it is no coincidence that it is often chosen as the operating system for home servers).

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Another complete operating system that we can use in various scenarios is openSUSE.

Destruction is presented as well treated both graphically and in the choice of programs, but it can present some problems for those unfamiliar with the package system (very different from that of Debian and derivatives).

If we come from another Linux distribution, we may encounter some small adaptation difficulties, easily overcome thanks to the high support offered by the community and the various guides and documentation available for this great system (famous in IT environments, but little known to the great public).

If we want to manage a home server or configure a server offered by a host, the only distribution we recommend trying is CentOS.

The great stability and the absence of any graphic frill (basically it can also start as a shell, that is, as a textual interface) together with the countless administrative management tools, make it the most used system on Web servers and on servers that have to manage a large volume of data, thanks to its lightness and scalability.

Obviously it is not a walk to set it up and use it, but if you want to become a Webmaster or work with servers, learning how to use CentOS is an obligatory step in your "new" career.

The most famous "hacker" distribution is definitely Kali Linux, which takes the legacy of the Backtrack distribution (very famous for "hacking" Wi-Fi networks long ago).

With this distribution (which mainly works Live, from CD or USB) we will have numerous programs designed to recover files, scan open networks, scan the number of devices on a network and various tools to attempt hacking of ports, passwords, and programs.

Obviously it is very (VERY) difficult to use, which is why it is used only by the best experts and hackers (who in fact spend "life" on this system).

Other popular and updated Linux Distros

Knoppix, which starts as a Live CD from CD or USB, without installing anything on the computer.

Fedora (Red Hat), very popular Linux distribution for professionals, systems engineers, servers and offices.

Sabayon, a distribution suitable for those who want a simple and fast PC.

Tails, the best of the safest Linux distros to use the PC in private without leaving a trace.

Slackware is another distro that deserves a mention here, one of the oldest Linux distributions (perhaps the oldest), widely used worldwide by enthusiasts.

Gentoo Linux, another historical distribution, for those with experience.


For the complete list of Linux distributions, having mentioned only a minimal part of the hundreds of available distributions, we can consult Wikipedia or the DistroWatch site, which collects data on the distribution of Linux systems (counting how many times they are downloaded by users).

If we are looking for a light distribution for an old computer, besides Puppy Linux we can try the systems recommended in our guide on light Linux distributions for old or small portable computers.

Who has doubts about their ability to use Linux, in another post we discovered the most simple to learn and easy to use Linux versions

If we wanted to use Linux to play (given the presence of Steam and graphic drivers up to now for a few years), we can read our guide on 30 free games for Linux, Windows, and Mac.

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